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Responding to breast cancer screening during the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe
The report, based on interviews conducted in September and October 2020, found that the impact of Covid-19 has drastically reduced access to breast units, but at the same time it has pushed the adoption of measures to maximize safety for patients and women undergoing a mammogram.
How we implemented MMG AI into our screening
“It is my personal mission to ensure the highest standard and
quality to all women coming to see us. I have a strong family
history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer with BRCA positive tested in my family. It would have saved my loved ones a lot of pain and grief if detected just early enough.”
The point of view of ULSM, Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos.
“We produce approximately 6.000 mammograms/year and we wanted a solution for working in a high production environment with low radiation dose”
The point of view of Dr. Pacifici, Vicepresident AITeRS.
“Although digital technology facilitates the quality from a radiographic point of view, positioning technique and effective compression remain crucial factors.”